Entries by Christian Merckx

H2020 Research Project Promotion

The EU’s Horizon 2020 Research project PROMOTioN focuses on the development of meshed offshore HVDC grids. Meshed HVDC grids are not a mature technology yet and the right tools have to be used in order to analyze the behaviour of the combined AC and meshed HVDC system under normal and emergency operating conditions. For this […]

Power Management System

The Power Management System (PMS) developed to Emirates Global Aluminium – Al Taweelah site (EGA-AT), is a complex system capable of balancing generation and load following incidents within the plant. The PMS ensures the stability and reliability of EGA-AT plant by monitoring power flows in the interconnectors, system frequency and equipment circuit breaker status and […]

Defence Plan Design for Liberia

The CLSG interconnection line (1,300km 225kV), linking Côte d’Ivoire, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea, is currently being constructed and its commercial operation is expected to gradually start as from early 2021. While the entire interconnection is not in operation and in case of tripping of one section of the CLSG line, the electrical system of […]

Energy Systems of the Future

The project “Energy Systems of the Future: Integrating Variable Renewable Energy Sources in Brazil’s Energy Matrix” aims at studying the impacts of the integration of large shares of variable renewable energy (VRE) sources to the Brazilian interconnected power system (SIN). The study shows how the Brazil’s power system needs to be prepared – in terms […]